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QR Challenge: Mortal Instruments

Why is Valentine rebelling against the Clave? What does he hope to accomplish by stealing the Mortal Cup? Whose best interests does he have in mind? destroy 1
Shadowhunters are charged with protecting mundanes, but they seem to have very little respect for those they serve. Why do you think their feelings for normal humans are so complicated? Why do they continue to serve mundanes if they don’t like them? unaware 2
What role does Luke play in Clary’s life? father 3
Discuss the character of Hodge. Why did he betray his young charges? Was he just selfish and bad, or did he do some good with his life? Was he right to fear Valentine more than the Clave? save 4
What is the Institute? Who belongs there? What is their mission? home 5
Who is the antagonist (villain)? How do you know? Who is the protagonist (hero)? How do you know?Valentine 6
Why is a block put in Clary’s mind? Who put it there? Do you agree with Joselyn’s reasons for doing this? Why?past 7
What is the setting (time and place) for The Mortal Instruments? Why do you think it is so dark and the buildings are so big?New York 8
What is your favorite scene from the movie? Why? Who is your favorite character from the movie? Why?Jace 9
