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QR Challenge: Bracken and Hogweed Friday Maths Quiz

5 + 38
10 - 28
8 + 513
What is 6 more than 2?8
___ + 3 = 107
What is 43 more than 124167
What is 32 less than 158126
Solve 413 + 152565
What is 396 - 251145
Solve 158 + 135293
What is 129 less than 361?232
Try 165 + 126291
_____ - 208 = 315523
Adam has 189 sweets. He adds 165 to his collection. How many does he have now?354
____ + 128 = 351223
What is 199 + 199?398
(451 - 122) > 290 .... True or False?True
__ __ __ - __ __ __ = 642. I only use even numbers. Fill in the gaps864-222
