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QR Challenge: New Empires in the Americas

Who were the first Europeans to make contact with North America?Vikings
Vikings were skilled sailors and created a new style of ship, called what?Longship
Who was the son of Erik the Red?Leif Eriksson
Where did Eriksson and his crew land?Labrador Peninsula
In the early 1400s, who became a leader in world exploration?Portugal
Who was responsible for advances that made exploration successful?Henry the Navigator
What did Prince Henry build?observatory and a navigation school
What are the two reasons why Europeans wanted to explore the world?Wanted asian spices and wanted to convert people to their faith
What did triangular sails enable boats to do?Sail into the wind
What is an astrolobe?a device that enabled navigators to learn their ship's location by charting the position of the stars
Who led an expedition from Portugal southward along the African coast?Bartolomeu Dias
What was a major result of Portugal's exploration?Atlantic slave trade
Which sailor was from Genoa, Italy?Christopher Columbus
Who funded Columbus' expedition?King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
What were Columbus' three ships?Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
Columbus thought he landed in Asia, but where had he landed?Bahamas
A German mapmaker labeled the continents across the ocean America in honor of who?Vespucci
Who was killed in a battle with the native peoples of the Philippines?Magellan
What is to circumnavigate?go all the way around the globe
What were four items brought from Europe during the Columbian Exchange?cattle, fruit, diseases, grains, horses, sugarcane
Where were four items brought from the Americas during the Columbian Exchange?cocoa, corn, potatoes, squash, tobacco, turkey
Who were conquistadors?soldiers who led military expeditions in the Americas
Why did Hernan Cortes left Cuba for Mexico?heard of a wealthy land in the west
Who ruled the Aztec Empire?Moctezuma
What led to the fall of the Aztec Empire?Cortes seizing control of Tenochtitlan and diseases
Francisco Pizarro wanted to take over which empire?Inca
The Spanish established three kinds of settlements in New Spain, what are they?Pueblos, Missions, and Presidios - military bases
What was El Camino Real?a network of roads from Mexico City to Santa Fe
Who discovered the coast of present day Florida?Ponce De Leon
Leon searched Florida for what?mythical fountain of youth
Who fought for better treatment of Native Americans?Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
What was the encomienda system?Gave settlers the right to tax local Native Americans or make them work. In exchange, these settlers were supposed to protect the Native Americans and convert them to Christianity.
What are plantations?large farms that grew just one kind of crop
What advantages did the Spanish have over Native Americans?immunity to diseases and superior weaponry
