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QR Challenge: FCCLA Scavenger Hunt

What does FCCLA stand for?Family Career & Community Leaders of America
What are the FCCLA colors?Red & White
What is the FCCLA flower?Red Rose
When was FCCLA founded?1945
Where was FCCLA founded?Chicago Illinois
What is the FCCLA motto?Towards New Horizons
What is the FCCLA tagline?The Ultimate Leadership Experience
What is the address for FCCLA State Headquarters?1910 Association Drive
What is the name of the State Advisor?Alex Everett
Other than the 50 United States, where else is FCCLA available?Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands
Where is the National FCCLA Headquarters located?Reston Virginia
What is the name of the national magazine?Teen Times
How many regions are there in Texas?5
Community High School is located in what region?3
When is our Region Leadership Conference?February 8-10
Where does our Region Leadership Conference take place?Waco Texas
When does the State Leadership Conference take place?April 5-7
Where is the State Leadership Conference competition taking place?Dallas
Where is the National Leadership Conference taking place?Atlanta Georgia
What does FCSA stand for?Family & Consumer Sciences Assessments
What does the acronym STAR stand for in STAR Event?Students Taking Action with Recognition
When is the deadline for registering for a STAR Event?December 1st
What are the 5 Power of One topics?A better you, Working on working, Take the lead, Speak out for FCCLA, Family Ties
How many scholarships are available to Texas FCCLA members?10
