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QR Challenge: Civil War

What event caused southern border states (including North Carolina) to secede?Fort Sumter
What led to Southern resentment of the North because they felt like it was based on lies?Uncle Tom’s Cabin
What event destroyed the Confederacy’s ability to wage War both economically and psychologically?Sherman’s March
What was issued to keep Britain and France out of the American Civil War?The Emancipation Proclamation
What convinced both the Union and the Confederacy that the Civil War would not be a quick war?The Battle of Bull Run
What did Lincoln do to insure that the Union had a cause they could believe in?The Gettysburg Address
Who had better military leadership when the Civil War began?The Confederacy
Which side had better political leadership when the Civil War began?The Union
Which battle is considered a turning point because it allowed the Union to control the Mississippi River?Vicksburg
Which side was said to have the advantage fighting a defensive war?The Confederacy
Which side had the advantage of fighting for a cause they believed in when the war began?The Confederacy
Why were Southern Soldiers fighting in the war if most of them didn’t even own slaves?Defending their homes
Which side had the advantage of having more infrastructure?The Union
Give one advantage the North had during the Civil War. Larger Population
Why did the states of the deep south to secede?Lincoln’s election
What part of the Compromise of 1850 pleased the South but angered many in the North? The Fugitive Slave Law
What made the Compromise of 1850 necessary?California wanting to join as a free state
What political party developed in opposition to slavery prior to the Civil War?Republican
What political party split itself in two over the issue of slavery before the Civil War began?Democratic
What is loyalty to your region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole?Sectionalism
What would many Southerners tell you the cause of the Civil War was?States Rights
How did the Kansas Nebraska Act say that the issue of slavery should be decided in the territories?Popular Sovereignty
What alarmed many Northerners by saying that Congress did not have the right to regulate slavery in the territories?Dred Scott v. Sanford
What required free states to aid in the return of escaped slaves to the South?Fugitive Slave law
Why was the Missouri Compromise first passed?Preserve the Balance of Power
What was the United States first attempt to deal with the issue of slavery in the territories?The Missouri Compromise
What did Lincoln say his goal was at the beginning of the Civil War?Preserving the Union
Which region could have been described as rural, agricultural, slave-based economy, divided by race before the Civil War began?The South
Which region could have been described as urban, industrialized, new infrastructure, many immigrants before the Civil War began?The North
Which region could have been described as open land, quickly developing, new towns, economy based on small farms and mining before the Civil War began?The West
Which side had a better economy and industry when the Civil war began? The North
What was the North’s military strategy for the Civil War? The Anaconda Plan
What battle allowed Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation?Antietam
Why did Lincoln fear that the Northern border states would secede? They had slavery
Who was the President of the Confederacy?Jefferson Davis
Who were the two most important Confederate Generals? Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson
Who were the two most important Union generals? Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman
What did the Emancipation Proclamation really do? Nothing
Why were the Northern border states important to Lincoln?access to Mississippi River
