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QR Challenge: Biology ECA 1

What organelle is responsible for making usable energy for the cell?mitochondria
What organelle controls what goes in and out of the cell?cell membrane
What is the monomer of carbohydrates?glucose
What is the function of lipids?stored energy
What is the function of carbohydrate?quick energy
What are the two types of nucleic acids?DNA and RNA
What protein speeds up reactions?enzymes
What is the monomer of proteins?amino acids
Name three organelles that are found in plant but not animal cells?vacuole, cell wall, chloroplast
What process occurs in the chloroplast?photosynthesis
What organelle is responsible for protein synthesis?ribosome
What is the basic unit of life?cell
What type of cell does not have a nucleus?prokaryotes
What type of cell has a nucleus?eukaryotes
Plant and animals cells are prokaryote or eukaryote?eukaryote
What process occurs in the mitochondria?cellular respiration
What is the purpose of cellular respiration?break down glucose into energy
What is the usable energy in our cells called?ATP
What part of protein synthesis uses DNA template to make mRNA?transcription
What part of protein synthesis used mRNA to make proteins?translation
How many strands is DNA?two
How many strands is RNA?one
What are the four bases of DNA?T,A,G,C
What are the four bases of RNA?U,A,G,C
What pairs with T?A
What pairs with G?C
If the DNA sequence is AGGCTA, what is the RNA sequence?UCCGAU
What is the complementary DNA strand for AGGTCT?TCCAGA
