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QR Challenge: Genetics and Heredity Terms

Portions of DNA that determine traitsGenes
Specific characteristics that vary from one individual to anotherTraits
The passing of traits to offspringHeredity
The different forms of a geneAlleles
Having the same structure features and pattern of genesHomologous Chromosomes
Cell division that produces four new haploid cells called gametesMeiosis
A specific band located on the chromosomesLociWhen genes at the same loci have different alleles for the same characteristic
Scientific name for sperm and eggGametes
Having half the number of chromosomes (23) as the parent cell Haploid cells
When homologous chromosomes cross over during replication and swap sections of DNACrossing Over
When homologous chromosomes separate independently and randomly passed on to gametesThe Law of Independent Assortment
The combination of alleles (ex: RR, Rr, BB, etc)Genotype
The physical expression on an organismPhenotype
Having the same allele at the same locus on both members of a pair of homologous chromosomesPurebred
The offspring of genetically dissimilar parentsHybrid
An allele that is expressed in an organism's phenotypeDominant gene
An allele that is present in the genotype, but not expressed in an organismRecessive gene
Having one dominant and one recessive allele (ex: Tt, Bb, Gg, etc)Heterozygous
Having the same alleles (ex: RR, tt, rr, BB, etc.)Homozygous
Having two of the same dominant allelesHomozygous dominant
Having two of the same recessive allelesHomozygous recessive
A model used to predict the probability of an offspring's traitsPunnett square
This process occurs when the sperm penetrates the eggFertilization
The name of the cell once fertilization occursZygote
The alleles that determine a male offspringXY
The alleles that determine a female offspringXX
