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QR Challenge: 5 SB's Maths Hunt

What is 2 x 6 12
What is 203 + 5 208
5 x 10 50
Frank had 45 sweets and ate 30, how many are left? 15
Sarah had 60 sweets to share between 5 people, how many did each person have? 12
What number is bigger -4 or -1? -1
2345 + 1000 = 3345
One table has 5 chairs and there are 6 tables in total. How many chairs altogether? 30
What is 34 - 2 32
The temperature in England is -2 it got 3 degrees colder, how cold is it? -5
What month comes after March? April
If there are 30 children in year 5 and 2 classes of equal numbers, how many are in each class? 15
What is the smallest number I can make when rolling two dice? 2
What is the biggest number I can make when rolling two dice? 12
How many trays does Mr Billington have at the front of his classroom? 37
In 5SB math group there are 17 children, if 6 children are ill, how many are here? 11
