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QR Challenge: CPBiology Meiosis Quiz

What is the name of the type of cell division that creates haploid cells?Meiosis
What type of cells are haploid?2gametes 2
What type of cells make up most of your body?3somatic cells 3
Where are germ cells located?4testes & ovaries 4
How many chromosomes will you usually find in human brain cells?546 5
Where do you find germ cells?ovaries & testes
What does the word "haploid" mean?1 set of chromosomes
What does the word "diploid" mean?2 sets of chromosomes
Which type of cells undergo meiosis?germ cells
How many chromosomes should there be in a human egg cell?23
What do you call chromosomes that carry the same genes and have the same structure?homologous chromosomes
What are chromosome pairs 1-22 called?autosomes
What determines gender in mammals?X and Y chromosomes/ sex chromosomes
What is the name of the cell created at fertilization?zygote
What type of cells are diploid?somatic cells
What type of cell division creates gametes?meiosis
What type of cell division creates body cells?mitosis
Which type of cell division creates genetically unique cells?meiosis
Which type of cell division happens throughout ones lifetime?mitosis
What does gametogenesis mean?production of gametes
What does the sperm contribute to an embryo?primarily DNA
How many egg cells are created at the end of oogenesis?1
What do you call cells that disintegrate during female meiosis?polar bodies
When does crossing over occur?prophase I
What is separated in Meiosis I?homologous chromosomes
What is separated in Meiosis II?sister chromatids
What is it called when 2 genes on the same chromosome tend to be inherited together?genetic linkage
IF 2 genes are on the same chromosome, what determines if they are likely to be inherited together or separated during meiosis?distance between the 2 genes
The farther apart 2 genes are located on a chromosome, the _____ likely they are to be separated by crossing overmore
What are 2 ways to increase genetic diversity of the next generation?crossing over, independent assortment, random fertilization
What do you call the physical traits expressed by an organism?phenotype
