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QR Challenge: Fairlawn Math Night Scavenger Hunt

What do you call a flat shape with 4 equal sides?rhombus
What do you call 2 lines that will never touch?parallel
What do you call a solid figure that has triangle shaped faces?pyramid
What do you call an exact location in space?point
Which word means something is guaranteed to happen?certain
In which bag are my chances of pulling a red marble EQUALLY LIKELY?Bag 2
Which page shows all the possible combinations if I can pick from 3 t-shirts and 2 pairs of shorts?Page 1
Which spinner is FAIR? Spinner #3
Which fraction is equivalent to 3/4?Fraction #1
Which number line shows 2/3?Number Line D
Which set of fractions has the correct symbol between them? Set #2
Which picture shows 3 1/2? Picture D
Bobby started playing video games at 11:00 AM and finished at 2:00 PM. How long did he play?3 hours
What weighs about 1 pound?Loaf of Bread
I bought a candy bar for $0.67. If I gave the cashier a dollar, how much change should I get back?33 cents
Which item is the closest to 1 meter tall?desk
That's not right, try again!wrong1
That's not right, try again!wrong2
That's not right, try again!wrong3
That's not right, try again!wrong4
That's not right, try again!wrong5
That's not right, try again!wrong6
You've completed the hunt. Show this screen to Ms. Walsh to receive a treat!done
