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QR Challenge: Special Segments in Triangles and their Points- Geometry

When 3 perpendicular bisectors intersect, what point do they form?circumcenter
When 3 angle bisectors intersect, what point do they form?incenter
When 3 altitudes intersect, what point do they form?orthocenter
When 3 medians intersect, what point do they form?centroid
Which special segment divides an angle into two angles of equal measure?angle bisector
Which special segment goes through one vertex and is perpendicular to the side opposite?altitude
Which special segment goes through one vertex and divides the opposite side into two pieces of equal length?median
Which special segment divides a side into two equal lengths and is perpendicular to that side?perpendicular bisector
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The circumcenter for an acute triangle is located where?Inside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The incenter for a right triangle is located where?Inside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The orthocenter for an obtuse triangle is located where?Outside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The centroid for an acute triangle is located where?Inside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The circumcenter for a right triangle is located where? On the triangle, on the hypotenuse
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The incenter for an obtuse triangle is located where?Inside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The orthocenter for an acute triangle is located where?Inside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The centroid for a right triangle is located where?Inside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The circumcenter for an obtuse triangle is located where?Outside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The incenter for a right triangle is located where?Inside
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The orthocenter for an obtuse triangle is located where?Outside the triangle behind the obtuse angle
Inside, Outside, or On the Triangle & Where? - The centroid of an acute triangle is located where?Inside
