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QR Challenge: 7 C's QR Quest

Means the accurate transfer of ideas from the sender’s head to the receiver’s. Every message should be conveyed in a clear manner; comes through clear thinking. A good message shows the idea directly and clearly. A writer should not start the message unless he knows how (use of language) and what (central idea) he wants to say. A message written in the simple and ordinary language is always natural and appreciable.clarity
Refers to correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Though mistakes are never intentional they may spoil the image.correctness
Means brief and complete. Be as brief as possible. But it must not be so brief as to be discourteous. Is a pre-requisite to effective business messages. Saves time and expense for both sender and receiver.conciseness
Means politeness. It is an attitude that shows respect for others. It helps in building goodwill. It is not enough to use polite expressions like” thank you”, ”kindly”, “we appreciate”, “please” etc. but the whole letter must have a respectful tone.courteous
Means being specific, meaningful and clear. Vague and general messages result in no response. It helps the receiver to understand the exact idea. Use of available facts and figures adds to the authenticity of the message.concreteness
Mean to put you in the place of the receiver. It means preparing every message with the message receiver in mind. Use what is called the “you attitude”. You try to show sincere regard for other person's interests and benefits.consideration
A business message should be a whole to bring the desired result. A message contains all the facts required by the receiver. The receiver’s reaction to an incomplete message is often unfavorable. An incomplete message shows negligence and carelessness of the writer.completeness
