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QR Challenge: The Cold War Quiz

who met at the Yalta conference after WWIIThe Allies.
What U.S President helped escalate tension between the U.S and Soviet UnionPresident Harry Truman.
Why did America think that the Soviet Union was taking over the WorldBecause the Soviet Union was helping spread Communism around the world.
Why did the Soviet Union think that America was taking over the worldbecause they were setting up naval and air-force bases around the world.
what is the Iron Curtainbarrier separating the former Soviet bloc and the West.
Name The Western Superpower American.
What does Truman mean when he says “armed minorities or outside influences"The communist party or Soviet Union
What or who is Truman referring to when he says “free people who are resisting attempted subjugation"The people of Turkey and Greece.
Name the Eastern SuperpowerSoviet Union.
What is the Containment plan the U.S used to aid Turkey and Greecethe Truman Doctrine.
What did George Marshall mean by "The Seeds (of Communism) are nurtured by misery and wantThat with out aid more countries will fall to communism.
Truman described Marshall aid and the Truman Doctrine as "Two halves of the same walnut"what did he mean by thisThat both plans are aimed at helping European countries and stopping the spread of communism.
What is a flash pointis a place, event, or time at which trouble such as violence or anger, flares up.
what is a satillet stateis a “country that is formally independent in the world, but under heavy political, economic and military influence or control from another country.”
Why was Churchill so insistent about the U.S helping European countries?Because the British were to weak to do it themselves.
How did the Soviet Union view the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall plan?The Soviet Union viewed it as American trying to take over the world.
What is a political Conservative? someone who wants to preserve the existing order of society, government, and the economy
What is a political liberal? is someone who supports progress, often through change.
Who presented the Soviet Union as an immediate threat? President Truman.
What is espionage?the practice of spying or using spies.
What Senator led a crusade to find Communist traitors in the U.S Government during the 1950s? Senator Joseph McCarthy.
