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QR Challenge: TC 8.6 Chemistry Scavenger Hunt

Which is heavier? A kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of feathersthey are the same
Which takes up more volume? A kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of feathersfeathers
True or false: Dense fluids will sink below less dense fluidstrue
Name something made up of matteranything that has mass and takes up space
What is volume measured in?litres
What are the three states of matter?solid, liquid and gas
Which states of matter can flow?liquid and gas
Which state of matter has the most energy?gas
Which state of matter has particles locked into place?solid
Describe the movement of a particle has absolutely no energy at all. What "state" is it in?Completely still, absolute zero
Which states of matter can be compressed?Liquids and gasses
If you add heat energy to a solid substance, what phase change will occur? draw the particlessolid to liquid
A fourth state of matter supposedly exists but does not occur naturally on earth. What is it called?Plasma
In the legend of Archimedes, what phrase did he shout when he discovered density?Eureka
Name three things that happen outside of the science lab because of substances at different densitiesanything reasonable
