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QR Challenge: U.S. History 8 2nd Semester Exam Review

Who invented the steamboat? Robert Fulton
How did the War of 1812 effect America?2self-sufficency, land gains, heroes2
The 12th Amendment3allowed Electors one vote for President and one vote for Vice President3
Why was President Thomas Jefferson troubled about the Louisiana Purchase?4He was a strict constructionist4
What is judicial review?5It gives the Supreme Court the final say on the meaning of the Constitution5
What were the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition?6Water route to Pacific, friends with natives, flora and fauna.6
What did the Rush-Bagot Treaty accomplish?7Britain and U.S. limit naval forces on Great Lakes7
Who was Simone Bolivar?8George Washington of South America8
What was the national road?9Ran from Cumberland to Vandalia and opened the west to migration and trade.9
What was the key issue in the case of Marbury v Madison?10Judicial Review10
How did New Englanders feel about war with Britain in 1812?11They were against it because Britain was their largest trading partner.11
When was our national anthem written?12During the Battle at Fort McHenry12
What was the key issue in the case of McCulloch v Maryland?13Sovereignty of the federal government over the state.13
What was the American Temperance Society?14Opposed to alcohol consumption.14
What was the purpose in passing the Tariff of Abominations in 1828?15To protect American manufacturing.15
What did the Adams-Onis Treaty accomplish?16US gained Florida.16
What did the Convention of 1818 accomplish?17established border between US and Canada, joint occupation of Oregon and US fishing rights off Newfoundland.17
What were the provisions of the Missouri Compromise?18Banned slavery north of 36 30 parallel.18
Why did the Spanish government invite Americans to settle in Tejas?19Keep native conflicts down.19
What inspired Denmark Vesey to plan a slave rebellion?20Toussaint L'Ouverture in Haiti.20
What was the corrupt bargain in the Election of 1824?21JQAdams made a deal with Henry Clay to get the presidency.21
What was the key issue in the case of Gibbons v Ogden?22Only the federal government could regulate interstate trade.22
Define Jacksonian Democracy23Widening Political power to more people.23
Who was Nat Turner?24Heled a slave rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia.24
Why did John C. Calhoun propose the doctrine of nullification?25He wanted to find a way to prevent South Carolina from seceding.25
Why did southerners object to high tariffs?26Southerners depended on trading cotton for foreign manufactured goods.26
Why were the Cherokee considered the most civilized?27They had become the most assimilated.27
What was the Indian Removal Act?28It allowed the federal government to negotiate tribal removal.28
How did Andrew Jackson feel about the 2nd National Bank?29He thought it was corrupt.29
Why did northerners object to the annexation of Texas?30They were afraid of war with Mexico and the expansion of slavery.30
How did whites living east of the Mississippi River view Native tribes?31As a threaten to westward expansion.
Who was Dorothea Dix?32She helped reform the care of the mentally ill.32
What were the provisions of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty?33Set boundary of Maine and Lake Superior to Lake of the Woods, US monitor Africa.33
Why were Americans concerned over Texas annexation?34War with Mexico, expansion of slavery and unbalance Congress.34
What was the Wilmot Proviso?35A proposal to outlaw slavery in the Mexican Cession.35
What caused war with Mexico in 1846?36Texas Annexation.36
What was the Seneca FAlls Convention?37Women's rights meeting.37
What is the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty?38Prevents US and Britain form influencing Central America.38
What was the main southern crop?39cotton39
What were the provisions of the Compromise of 1850?40CA enters as free, Mexican Cession divided and popular sovereignty, Texas gives up land and gets 10 million.40
Why was the Gadsden Purchase made?41To build a transcontinental Railroad.41
The Republican Party platform supported42anti-slavery.42
The key issue of the Dred-Scott case was43Citizenship of African Americans.43
Who was John Brown?44Abolitionist led the Pottowatomie Massacre and the Raid on Harper's Ferry.44
Who was the first president of the Confederate States of America?45Jefferson Davis.45
Our nations' capital is located on what river?46The Potomac46
The Potomac forms the border between which two states?47Maryland and Virigina.47
What did the southern sates do when Lincoln was elected President?48The seceded from the Union.48
