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QR Challenge: Math Task Cards 4.NBT.1

1. thousands
2. tens
3. ten thousands
4. hundreds
5. 70,000
6. 500
7. 4,000
8. 4
9. B
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. 10 times larger
14. False
15. 10 times larger
16. True
17. Any answer with the 7 in the thousands place
18. Any answer with the 2 in the hundred thousands place
19. Any answer with the 5 in the hundreds place
20. Any answer with the 4 in the tens place
21. Any answer with the 8 in the tens place
22. Any answer with the 9 in the hundreds place
23. Any answer with the 3 in the hundred thousands place
24. Any answer with the 6 in the ten thousands place
