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QR Challenge: Math Review

How many feet are in a yard?3
Fill in the blanks by skip counting by ten: 232, 242, _______, _______, ________, ________, 292252, 262, 272, 282
Write two ways to make $30 using $1, $5, and $10 billsanswers will vary
Skip count by fives: 825, _______, ________, ________, ________, ________830, 835, 840, 845, 850
Write 760 in expanded form700+60+0
Write 5+800+20 in standard form.825
Eric cut 15 inches of wood. Mark cut 32 inches of wood. How many more pieces did Mark cut than Eric?13 inches of wood
Is 60+5+700 <, >, or = to 400+3+80?>
True or False: Rows go up and down and columns go acrossFalse
True or False: A cube is a 2-D shapeFalse
Draw a picture of 1/2 and 3/4Answers will vary
A quadrilateral is a shape with how many sides? Name two quadrilaterals.4, square, rectangle, rhombus
True or False: A hexagon has six sides and a pentagon has five sides.True
Draw a rectangular array with 2 rows and 3 columns.Answers will vary
Write a number that is oddanswers will vary
Parker brought some candy. Kyla brought 20 pieces of candy. Altogether, they have 34 pieces. How many pieces of candy did Parker buy?14 pieces of candy
Draw two ways to make 68 cents.Answers will vary
Lucy has seven shirts. Megan has some shirts too. Both, Lucy and Megan have 58 shirts. How many shirts does Megan have?58-7=51 shirts
