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QR Challenge: Intro to Business Ch.1

1. Who is the largest employer in the United States?
2. Find an image on the internet of a basic human NEED and take a screenshot.
3. What is the basic economic problem?
4. What is the term for things that are not necessary for survival, but add comfort to our lives?
5. Find an image on the internet of a business that sells a specific product. Take a screenshot.
6. In YOUR own words, define the economic term "supply"
7. Write a short description of a time in the last week where you had to make a decision or choice about something. Explain what the choice was and the alternatives.
8. Look up the definition of a Traditional Economy and include an example of a country with that type of economy.
9. Without looking them up--work with your partner to figure out the company slogans for the following companies: Nike, McDonald’s, Subway
10. Why is competition amongst businesses a good thing?
11. What are the three main types of economic resources?
12. Find an image of a NATURAL resource.
