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QR Challenge: Earth's history 7Sci ch 4

fossilsthe preserved remains or traces of organisms that lived in the past
petrified fossil2a fossil formed when minerals replace all or part of an organism2
extinct3A type of organism that no longer exists on Earth is said to be _____________3
relative age4age compared with the ages of other rocks4
Intrusion5_____________ igneous rock is always younger in relation to the sedimentary rock layers which it passes5
half-life6The time it takes for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample of a radioactive element to decay is the element's _________6
radioactive decay7occurs when atoms of some elements break down to form atoms of another element7
absolute age6Geologists use radioactive dating to determine the _________ of rock8
uniformitarianiam9What principle states that the geologic processes that change Earth today also changed Earth in the past?9
trace fossils10Footprints and trails are examples of _____________________10
geologic time scaleGeologists divide Earth's long history into smaller units that make up the _________
carbon filmPlant leaves may form a fossil called a __________, a thin layer of carbon on rock.
unconformityA gap in the geologic record where some rock layers have been lost because of erosion is _____________
Index_________ fossils are helpful to geologists because they reveal the relative ages of the rock layers in which they occur.
Paleontologistsscientists who study fossils
molda hollow area in sediment in the shape of an organism or part of an organism
casta solid copy of the shape of an organism
evolutionthe change in living things over time
law of superpositionAccording to the ________________, in undisturbed horizontal sedimentary rock layers the oldest is at the bottom. Each higher layer is younger than the layers below it.
extrusionLava that hardens on the surface and forms igneous rock
faulta break in Earth's crust
eraOne of the three long units of geological time between the Precambrian and the present
periodOne of the units of geologic time into which geologists divide eras
