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QR Challenge: French Revolution Review

Who numbered around 100,000 people? The church
Who is the second estate? The Nobility
The bourgeoisie was part of this group The Third Estate
The last time the Estates General was called was? 1614
The amount of French debt in 1787? 4000 million livres
The years of bad weather and harvests in france were? 1787-1789
Representatives (Estates General) drew up lists of complaints called cahiers de doleances
The number of deputies in the Estates General was? 1100 members
What was declared on June 20, 1789? The National Assembly
His dismissal prompted riots in the streets. Necker
Radical club that Robespierre belonged to? Jacobins
French prison that was attacked on July 14, 1789? Bastille
War that inspired the French revolution? The war of American Independence
What is the gabelle? the hated salt tax
One of the strongest critics of the French government and Church? Voltaire
