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QR Challenge: B2 Biology QR Quiz

Immuneprotected from getting a disease.
white blood cellsengulf bacteria and produce antibodies
antigenantibodies recognise a microorganism using these
memory cellsstay in the blood & give immunity after infection
VaccineA safe form of a disease
Side effecta harmful reaction to a medicine
antibioticstype of antimicrobial effective against bacteria, not viruses.
mutationcan lead to antibiotic resistance in bacteria
open-labeldrug trials where drug labels can be seen
double-blinddrug trial where drug label are unknown
placeboa tablet with no active ingredient
blood capillaryblood vessel with very thin walls
lifestyle factorsthe food you eat, exercise, stress
genetic factorsgenes which increase the risk of a disease
epidemiological studieslong term studies of disease & its spread
homeostasismaintaining a constant internal environment
control systems havereceptors, processing centres and effectors
negative feedbacka response which reverses the stimulus
Kidneysbalance water levels by producing dilute or concentrated urine
ADHanti - diuretic (weeing) - hormone(stops kidney from making urine)
