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QR Challenge: Industrialization & Imperialism

The Industrial Revolution began in what country?England
Why did Industrialization begin in England?England had natural Recourses like coal and iron ore. England also has an established and stable government.
Author of the Wealth of Nations?Adam Smith
Authors of the Communist Manifesto?Karl Marx
What does the term laissez-faire mean?Government stays out of business.
Karl Marx described a battle between what two opposing forces?Proletariat V Bourgeoisie
Why did women and children work in the early factories?Worked for less money than men
What did Britain and France want to control in Egypt?To control the Suez canal
As economically developing nations become more industrialized, what effect does it have on women?Allowed them to get jobs, go to school, eventually vote
The Industrial Revolution began with the manufacturing of what product?textiles
What are three forms of imperialism?(hint: C,P,S)Colonialism, Protectorate, Sphere of Influence
What does the term urbanization mean?The growth of cities
Describe the term “White Man’s Burden”.It was the duty of the European whites male to civilize and tame the savages of Africa, Asia and South America
What was the purpose in building the Suez Canal?Faster transportation from the Indian ocean to Europe
What must a nation have to industrialize?Land, Labor, Capital, Stable Government
What does the term suffrage mean?the right to vote
Who fought for suffrage during the Industrial Revolution?woman
What did James Watt invent?Steam engine
Why was the invention of the steam engine important?It was a power source that did not have to be near water
Throughout the 1800’s, an increased need for both raw materials and new markets for manufactured goods led various European nations to pursue policies ofImperialism.
What was the time period that saw western European countries go from making goods by hand to making goods by machines called?Industrial Revolution
What was a cottage industry?Making good from home
What was a factory system?All factors of production in one building/assembly line work
What was the political and economic theory where everyone in society is absolutely equal, there is not private property, and all people make the same wage regardless of their job.Communism
