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QR Challenge: Converting Percents, Decimals, & Fractions

Convert 0.02 to a percent.2%
Convert 1.35 to a percent.135%
Convert 0.483 to a percent.48.3%
Convert 0.10 to a fraction.1/10
Convert 0.75 to a fraction.3/4
Convert 1.2 to a fraction.1 1/5 OR 6/5
Convert 1/5 to a percent.20%
Convert 2/7 to a percent. Round to the nearest tenth.28.6%
Convert 5/12 to a percent. Round to the nearest tenth.41.7%
Convert 1/3 to a decimal. Round to the nearest hundredth.0.33
Convert 3/8 to a decimal. Round to the nearest tenth.0.375
Convert 3/5 to a decimal.0.6
Convert 45% to a fraction.9/20
Convert 89% to a fraction.89/100
Convert 15% to a fraction.3/20
Convert 118% to a decimal.1.18
Convert 2.3% to a decimal.0.023
Convert 52.52% to a decimal.0.5252
Solve. Simplify your answer. (1/3)x(-2/5)+7/151/3
Solve. Simplify your answer. 6x(2+5-1)36
