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QR Challenge: Scavenger Hunt

What is the speed of light in mph? 186,287.49
How long does it take light from the sun to travel to earth? 8 seconds
What was the Day of 6 Billion? 10/12/99
What percent of humans ever born are alive right now? 10%
At what speed is the earth traveling through space? 67,000 mph
How many earthquakes are there in a typical year? 1 million
What weighed in at over 1 kg and fell in Bangladesh in 1986? hail stone
How many people die from lighting each year? 1000
What do female black widow spiders do after mating? eat the male
I can grow my body back in about two days if cut in half. Many scientists believe I do not undergo senescence. What am I? Hydra
This type of radiation is commonly known for quickly heating frozen dinners, but also provides evidence in support of Georges Lemaître’s theory. What was that astronomical evidence? The Big Bang
El Dorado is near a famous hill that's not on Earth. What year was it photographed? 2005
What did Friederich Mieschler discover in 1869? DNA
What did Alfred Nobel invent in 1866? Dynamite
What number can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial? 172
In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of ___ times around the equator. 5
What is Odontophobia? fear of teeth.
There is a room with no doors, no widows, nothing and a man is hung from the ceiling and a puddle of water is on the floor. How did he die? standing on a block of ice that melted
How far can a rabbit run into the woods? halfway then it is running out
How many apples would you have if you took two apples from three apples? 2
If you took 5 chocolates from a box which contained 21 chocolates, how many chocolates would you have? 5
Bill is famous for being murdered holding the world’s most famous two pair. In 1855, he met another soon-to-be-famous 12-year-old Bill. What was that 12-year-old’s nickname as an adult? Buffalo Bill Cody
If you stacked $20 bills until you reached $1 million, would the stack be higher than the rim of a basketball hoop? Yes
A Viking was the first to photograph us, but our existence was foretold in literature by a Swift astronomer. Who are we? Phobos and Deimos
You live next to the Cam. There are approximately 105,594 others just like you. What do other members of your nationality call your people? Cantabrigian
The first president to be born as an American citizen learned English as a second language. What was his first? Dutch
Is there moss on all sides of the rocks in the place where Aurelius Ambrosius is said to be buried? Yes
What animal lives in the Yangtze River and is represented by its own rare Xingyiquan form? Chinese Alligator
A man and his son were in an car accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. The surgeon said "I can't operate, that's my son!" How is this possible? Mother
After coining the term “radioactive,” she discovered two radioactive elements. Which one is more predominant in cigarette smoke? Polonium
