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QR Challenge: Biology Review Scavenger Hunt

The ability for water to stick to itself or to another object.Cohesion and Adhesion
Type of cell that does not contain a nucleus.Prokaryote
Small structure found in the cytoplasm and on the ER that makes proteins for the cell.Ribosome
The type of transport that moves molecules against the concentration gradient (low to high concentration).Active transport
Plants and animals are examples of these types of cells.Eukaryote
The term that is used to describe the property of the cell membrane that allows certain molecules in but keeps others out.Selectively permeable
The organelle always found wrapped around the nucleus.Endoplasmic reticulum
Found in plant cells but not in animal cells.Chloroplast
The type of passive transport that moves water from a high concentration to a low concentration.Osmosis
Solid water floats on top of liquid water.Low density of ice
The type of passive transport that moves larger molecules such as Glucose across the cell membrane using a protein. Facilitated diffusion
The organelle that receives, packages, and transports proteins.Golgi body
The tendency for water to take a long time to heat up or cool down.Temperature moderation
The type of active transport used to move large groups of substances, such as waste, OUT of the cell.Exocytosis
The organelle that is responsible for generating ATP (energy).Michonodrion
