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QR Challenge: Genetic Variation Treasure Hunt

What organelle of the cell that contains chromosomes?nucleus
What is the substance carrying an organisms genetic code?DNA
What is the name for chromosomes that contain different versions of the same genes?homologous
What is the name for a length of DNA that contains the code for a specific trait?gene
What do we call different versions of the same gene?allele
Draw and label a nucleotide....
What is the name for a genetically or environmentally determined characteristic?trait or phenotype
What is the name for cell used for sexual reproduction that carries a random selection of half of the organisms genetic information?gamete
During meiosis, chromosomes can randomly line up on either side of the equator of the cell to create different variations of chromosomes in the gamete. What is this process called?Independent assortment
During meiosis homologous pairs of chromosomes, swap alleles to create variation between the parents and offspring. What is this process called?Crossing over
What type of cell division creates clone cells for healing and repairmitosis
What type of cell division that creates cells with half the genetic information randomly shuffled?meiosis
What feature of a population allows it to adapt to changes in their environment?variation
Invasive species, drought, floods, pollution, decrease in available food, are all examples of what?Selection pressure
What are 2 key differences between the 2 types of cell division?Number of cell divisions/daughter cells, one creates variation, the other creates clones.
What biological catalysts are responsible for driving DNA replication?Enzymes
What do we call it when a newly replicated DNA strand contains half of an old strand of DNA? semi-conservative replication
What is the process that causes small changes in the allele frequency of a population? Natural or artificial selection
What is it called when changes in allele frequency build up over time and can result in a new species being formed?Evolution
