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QR Challenge: Unit 7- Medieval

The Middle Ages in Europe refers to the 1000-year periodfollowing the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West.
The manor was the 2Basic social and economic unit during feudal times.
In the feudal period, a personal bond of loyalty was sworn by a _______to a ______.3vassal / lord
Charlemagne was 4The ruler who created the first empire in Western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire
Who of the following is most noted for having envisioned a new kingdom called Christendom? 5Pope Gregory I
The practices of the Catholic Church whereby followers receive salvation are called the 6Seven Sacraments
The pope and the Holy Roman Emperor had a major disagreement over what issue?7lay investiture
Repeated ____________ and ______________ caused a series of changes that altered the economy, government, and culture of Western Europe society.8plagues and crime
In the Roman province of Gaul (mainly what is now_______________ and _____________), a Germanic people called the Franks held power. 9France and Switzerland
_________________ played a key role in spreading Christianity. By 600, the Church, with the help of Frankish rulers, had converted many Germanic peoples.10politics
Around 520, an Italian monk named ______________ began writing a book describing a strict yet practical set of rules for monasteries.11Benedict
The Italian monk's sister, ______________, headed a convent and adapted the same rules for women.12Scholastica
In 590, Gregory I, also called Gregory the Great, became pope. As head of the Church in Rome, Gregory broadened the authority of the papacy, or ______________, beyond its spiritual role.13pope's office
Government system that developed in the Middle Ages in which an oath of loyalty was sworn and land was given for the purpose of protection:14Feudalism
How were serfs different from slaves?15Serfs could not be bought, sold or traded like slaves
What was the role of the knights during the Middle Ages?16To defend the lands of his lord
The central European Empire (encompassing modern-day Germany and northern Italy) that worked closely with the Church to protect Christianity was the 17Holy Roman Empire
What was the religion of Europe during the Middle Ages, serving as the most civilizing force in society?18Roman Catholic Church
