
Codemaker: a great way to help students learn essential factual points!

Instructions: This simple interface will convert a narrative account into a secret code using a substitution cypher. When you click 'Submit' it will beturned into a worksheet for your class which you can print out or copy and paste into a word processor for further editing. Students really enjoy the challenge of being the first person / team to successfully crack the code!

Step 1: Quiz Title:

Step 2: Provide text to be encoded:

You can download a sample codebreaker activity on Lady Jane Grey to get fuller instructions. You can also watch this video of the activity in action!

Difficulty Level:

Hard (only e's are decoded in the worksheet)

Medium (e's and a's will be decoded already in the worksheet)

Easiest (e's, a's and t's will be decoded already in the worksheet)

Step 3: Create!