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QR Challenge: Periodic Table

How many blocks are there in the periodic table?4
What type of element is used in the shortcut for electronic configuration?Noble Gas
What type of diagram can be used to show the valence electrons of an element?Lewis Dot Diagram
What types of elements are there?Metals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals
What is the only element that is liquid at room temperature?Mercury
If you were looking to configure Calcium, what element would be the “shortcut”?Argon
What type of element is Nitrogen? (metal, metalloid, or nonmetal)?nonmetal
What periods are considered transitions metals?Groups 3-12
What are 2 elements share the same characteristics as Chlorine?Fluorine, Bromine
What is the least electronegativity pulling power?Francium
What is the electronic configuration for Mercury?[Xe] 6s25d10
What are some characteristics of Nonmetals? Brittle, no luster, and poor conductors
What are the metalloids?B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, At
What are the elements in group 2 called as?Alkaline Earth Metals
What period and group is Bismuth in?Group 5A, Period 6
How many groups are there in the periodic table?18
How many periods are there in the periodic table?7
Currently, how many elements are there?118
How many metalloids are in the periodic table?8
Are the metals on the left or right side of periodic table?left
What type of element is Hydrogen?nonmetal
What is the most reactive non-metal?Flourine
What is the most reactive metal?Francium
What period are the rare earth metals in?6
What period are the radioactive metals in?7
What are the two series in the f block?Lanthanide and Actinide
As you move down the periodic table, does energy increase or decrease?Decrease
What is Electronegativity?The ability of an atom of element to attract electrons
What signifies the number of valence electrons?The group
What signifies the number of energy levels?The period
