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QR Challenge: Business Administration Retreat to Move Forward

Canada is a bilingual country, but what is the only officially bilingual province?New Brunswick
Which American state is nearest to the former Soviet Union?Alaska
Name the two families in Romeo and Juliet?Montague & Capulet
Name the seventh planet from the sun.Uranus
What was the name of the dog in Fraggle Rock?Sprocket
The world's deepest sea trench, about 7 miles below sea level, lies in the western Pacific Ocean, and is called what?Mariana's Trench
Where is the Suez Canal?Egypt
What are the top selling spices in the world?Pepper
What sea creature can have an eye measuring 16 inches across, the largest in the animal kingdom?Squid
What's the medical term for low blood sugar?Hypoglycaemia
What measure of energy comes from the Latin word meaning "heat"?calorie
Who wrote Les Miserables?Victor Hugo
What is the world's longest river?The Amazon
Who played Rachel Green in "Friends"?Jennifer Aniston
Which Danny starred in Batman returns?De Vito
