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QR Challenge: Vocabulary Practice Set 4 Alpha

When you assemble a bookshelf, you might slide wooden or metal pins into slots to ________ the shelvessecure
The lecture will _________, or end, with a slide presentationconclude
f you ________ go to bed at 9:30,that's your normal bedtimeusually
If the male peacock wants to attract a mate, it will _________ its tail feathersdisplay
Goats _________, or supply, people with food such as milk and cheeseprovide
I have one _________ to complete before I can go outside and playtask
Something that is ________ is easily seen or knownapparent
First thing I will do when I move to my new town is _________ a good art supply storelocate
The killing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a tragic ________ in U.S. historyevent
The hospital is well known for its _________ medical researchongoing
