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QR Challenge: Spanish I Chapter 3

1. At what time is...?A que hora es...?
2. What time is it?Que hora es?
4. It is...Es la... Son las...
5. in the morningde la manana
6. in the afternoonde la tarde
7. at nightde la noche
8. hour; timela hora
9. scheduleel horario
10. to, beforemenos
11. minuteel minuto
12. quarter pasty cuarto
13. (ten) pasty (diez)
14. half pasty media
15. artel arte
15. sciencelas ciencias
16. Spanishel espanol
17. historyla historia
18. Englishel ingles
19. mathla matematicas
20. to answercontestar
21. to teachensenar
22. to arrivellegar
23. to neednecesitar
24. to get a good gradesacar una buena nota
25. to get a bad gradesacar una mala nota
26. to take notestomar apuntes
27. to use the computerusar la computadora
28. once in a whilede vez en cuando
29. many timesmucha veces
30. a lotmucho
31. nevernunca
32. alwayssimepre
33. every daytodos los dias
34. almostcasi
35. How many...?Cuantos(as)...?
36. difficult dificil
37. inen
38. test, exam el examen
39. easy facil
40. There is... / There are...Hay...
41. manymuchos(as)
42. latetarde
43. earlytemprano
44. to have totener que
45. elevenonce
46. twelvedoce
47. thirteentrece
48. fourteencatorce
49. fifteenquince
50. sixteendieciseis
51. seventeendiecisiete
52. eighteendieciocho
53. nineteendiecinueve
54. twentyveinte
55. twenty-oneveintiuno
56. twenty-twoveintidos
57. twenty-threeveintitres
58. twenty-fourveinticuatro
59. twenty-fiveveinticinco
60. twenty-sixveintiseis
61. twenty-sevenveintisiete
62. twenty-eightveintiocho
63. twenty-nineveintinueve
64. thirtytreinta
65. thirty-onetreinta y uno
66. fortycuarenta
67. fiftycincuenta
68. sixtysesenta
69. seventysetenta
70. eightyochenta
71. ninetynoventa
72. one hundredcien
73. At...A la(s)...
