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QR Challenge: Introduction to Medical Terminology

The foundation of medical terms isGreek and Latin
The science of the origin and development of words is calledetymology
_________ are words named after peopleEponyms
The main part of the medical term is theword root
_________________ tell “how, why, where, when, how much, how many, position, direction, time. or status”prefixes
__________ tell us what is happening with a specific body part or systemsuffixes
The combination of a word root with the combining vowel is called thecombining form
The three elements of a medical term are theword root, prefix, and suffix
A part of the small intestine is theileum
____________ is part of the pelvic or hip boneilium
The two tubes leading from the kidney to the urinary bladder are called theureters
In medical terms the ch sounds likek
The plural form for appendix isappendices
The plural form for axilla isaxillae
The plural form of phalanx isphalanges
The term epigastric meanspertaining to above the stomach
The term pericarditis meansinflammation around the heart
The word root for artery isarteri/o
The word root for bone isoste/o
The word root for muscle ismy/o
The prefix brady- meansslow
The prefix intra- meansbetween
The prefix tachy- meansfast
The suffix meaning enlarged is-megaly
The suffix -plasty meanssurgical repair
The suffix meaning the surgical removal of is-ectomy
The abbreviation NPO meansnothing by mouth
The abbreviation for twice a day or two times a day isbid
The abbreviation for whenevery necessary isprn
