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QR Challenge: Atoms & Molecules review

How was the original periodic table organized?atomic mass
Who came up with the term "atomos" as the smallest, indivisible piece of matter?2Democritus
How many energy regions does an atom of Ca have?3four
What group/family is highly reactive and always in compounds?4alkali metals
What are 2 pure substances?5elements&compounds
How many valence electrons does an atom of Silicon have?6four
What bond forms when atoms that share valence electrons?7covalent
How many neutrons does an atom of Chlorine have?8 eighteen
What subatomic particle has a negative charge?9electron
What is the symbol for Lead?10Pb
What can you predict about an element if you know its location on the PT?11properties
Is Germanium a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid?12metalloid
What group/family rarely forms compounds?13noble gases
What is the most reactive nonmetal group/family?14halogens
What do chemical formulas represent?15compounds
What type of bond is formed between a metal & nonmetal?16ionic
Two or more different elements combine to form a ?17 compound
What is formed by particles in a random ratio?!8mixture
What rule states that atoms want to have 8 valence electrons to be stable?19octet rule
Why might the atoms in a molecule be drawn in different sizes?20larger if more #energy regions
Why does an atom have no charge?21pos&neg charges equal
Whose atomic model contains protons, electrons,&neutrons?22Chadwick
