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QR Challenge: Back to School Scavenger Hunt

1. Find someone whose first name starts with the same letter as your first name. If there isn't an exact match, find someone whose name starts with a close letter.
2. Find someone who was born in the same month you were born. If there isn't anyone, find someone whose birth month is one month away from you.
3. Find someone who was born on the same date you were born (but not necessarily the same month). If there isn't anyone born on that day, then find someone born near that day.
4. Find someone who was born in a different state or country than you were born in.
5. Find someone who has the same number of brothers that you have.
6. Find someone who has the same number of sisters that you have.
7. Find someone whose favorite food is the same as yours. If there isn't an exact match, find a person who lists a food you really like.
8. Find someone whose favorite school subject is the same as yours (or similar).
9. Find someone whose favorite sport or game is the same as yours. If there isn't an exact match, find a person who likes a sport or game you also like.
10. Find someone whose favorite animal is the same as yours. If there isn't an exact match, find one that you also like a lot.
11. Find someone whose favorite TV show is the same as yours, or a show you also like.
12. Find someone whose favorite movie is the same as yours. If there isn't an exact match, find one that you also like a lot.
13. Find someone whose favorite pizza topping is the same as yours. If there isn't an exact match, find one that you also like.
14. Find someone who has the same hobby you have (or a similar hobby).
