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QR Challenge: Sociology Final Review

The sociologist who focused on studying people’s thoughts, feelings and interpretations of a situation, rather than strictly the facts.Max Weber
The theory of Social Darwinism and Survival of the Fittest is part of which early sociologist's views?Herbert Spencer
List an example of how a sociologist would collect research data through the Survey Method.mail out questionnaires, hold an interview
The intended and recognized consequence of an element of society (for example, school's purpose is to learn subjects like reading and math) is called THIS type of function.Manifest
What is the sociological imagination?The ability to see the connections between our personal lives and the larger world
List the FIVE elements of culture.physical objects, symbols, norms, values, language
Between folkways, taboos, and mores, which one, if broken, has the strongest social consequence?Taboos
Is a cluster of interrelated culture traits called a culture complex or culture pattern?culture complex
If you view your own culture as superior to others, you might be described as_______ethnocentric
Besides vested interests, list two factors or resistance to changecultural lag and ethnocentrism
Which type of narcissist would we describe as having very low self-esteem with a fragile ego, which are often a result of childhood neglect?vulnerable
Give one example of each: Positive informal sanction and negative formal sanction.teacher smiles or gives thumbs up and police give speeding ticket
What's the difference between ascribed and achieved status?ascribed is what you're born with and achieved are the skills you acquire
People in line at a movie theater are what type of group?aggregate
Explain role conflict.what happens when fulfilling the role expectations of one status makes it hard to fulfill the roles of another status.
List three types of social interactioncooperation, competition, accommodation, exchange, conflict
What does the economy focus on in a postindustrial society?production of information and provision of services
The sum of behaviors, attitudes, and values characterizing a person best describes theirpersonality
List three agents of socialization (for example: Mass media)school, family, peer group, a total institution
Homogamy means:The tendency of individuals to date or marry people who have social characteristics similar to their own
What's the scientific study of aging called?gerontology
The idea that an individual with strong ties to the community is less likely to commit deviant acts describes which theory of deviance?control theory
List three property crimes:vandalism, larceny, burglary, car theft
What are white collar crimes?Crimes committed in legitimate or professional jobs with the intent of personal gain or to benefit a business
What does intergenerational mobility mean when it comes to social stratification?when the child moves into a different social class than his/her parent(s)
Which social science studies cultures (especially from the past) and how they adapt over time?anthropology
What's the term for Max Weber's idea of empathetic understanding or the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes?verstehen
This is the mark of social disgrace that sets a deviant apart from the rest of societystigma
What is recidivism?Repeated criminal behavior or the tendency of a convicted criminal to commit another crime
How does plea bargaining work?Legal negotiation in which the accused person can plead guilty to a lesser charge in return for a lighter sentence
