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QR Challenge: Mixed operations madness

There are 2576 horses evenly divided into four fields. How many horses are there in each field? 644
Sara has 480 packets of crisps and 2 chocolate bars. She must share the crisps equally between her 4 friends. How many crisp packets will each friend get? 96
Last year, 4 people each paid £6900 for an insurance package. How much did the people pay in total? 1725
For a school party, Mr Fawcett bought 7 big bags of candy and 3 750ml bottles of cola. There were 1840 pieces of candy in each bag. How many pieces of candy did Mr Fawcett buy in all? 12880
A pet store has 4 tanks of tadpoles. There are 4256 tadpoles in each tank. How many tadpoles does the pet store have in all? 17024
An art dealer bought a set of 4 beautiful vases. Each of the vases is worth $3,253, but he sells them for $4,653. How much money does he make in all? $18612
In one week, Mr Hunt-Brown goes to the gym every day. In total, he lifts 3052KG. How many KG does he lift each day? 436KG
Mr Fawcett runs 2304 metres every day for 47 days, he also walks 34 miles on the final day. How far does Mr Fawcett travel in total? 108322
