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QR Challenge: From Long Walk To Freedom

What is the “deep and lasting wound” Mandela mentions in the first paragraph? What created this “wound”? (pg. 847)answer
What was the unintended effect of apartheid? Why does Mandela call this effect “unintended”? (pg. 847)answer2
What qualities does Nelson Mandela admire in his fellow freedom fighters? Why do you think he says they are “finer and truer than the purest diamonds”? (pg. 847)answer3
What does Mandela mean by “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer. (pg. 847)answer4
What does Mandela say about hate? What “was enough to reassure” Mandela that “man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished”? (pg. 847 - 848)answer5
What was the “terrible price” Mandela’s family paid for his “commitment to the struggle”? (pg. 848)answer6
According to Mandela, what two obligations does every man have? Why was it “almost impossible” for a man of color to meet those obligations in South Africa? (pg. 848)answer7
What does Mandela mean by "my commitment to my people…was at the expense of the people I knew best and loved most”? Cite evidence. (pg. 848)answer8
Why does Mandela state “and then one’s voice trails off”?(pg. 848)answer9
Describe Mandela’s idea of freedom as a child. (pg. 848)answer10
Why does Mandela say that his “boyhood freedom was an illusion”?( pg. 849)answer11
What kinds of freedom did Mandela want as a student? (pg. 849)12answer12
What “desire” transformed a frightened young man into a bold one…”? (pg. 849) Give evidence of this transformation.answer13
Describe the ways Mandela changed after joining the African National Congress? (pg. 849 – 850)answer14
What does Mandela mean when he says “the oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the oppressed”? (pg. 850) Cite evidence from the text to support your response.answer15
Why does Mandela end the selection by stating, “my long walk to freedom is not yet ended”? (pg. 850)answer16
